sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2019

Brumadinho Quilt INCHES 

I’d like to be back blogging with good and incredible news but the reality today is a disaster, a dam collapse in Brumadinho, a Brazilian municipality. It just happened like Mariana 2015.

Seeing pictures of the destruction as the one above and others that I can’t post because is tragic and painful. I cried overcome with grief for people, animals,  and the environment cover by muddy and full of pain. I was touched by the picture and I want bring some comfort and well-being. I want hug those people and share some love. I’m sorry not mentioning the photographer name, I just miss that.
So I came up to gather quilters for a solidarity quilt and  bring some care and comfort to families in Brumadinho. We gonna do what we do better….quilts! A quilt with lots of love!

The quilt design and colours are inspired by the municipality Brumadinho’s flag. The solidarity quilt colours and design also have some hidden meanings.
White triangle: On top left is representing the state of Minas Gerais, a colour for peace and justice in Brumadinho and Mariana. That’s remembrance from Mariana’s citizens still calling for justice. We lest forget.
Red stripes: The victims, families, and beloved ones lost. The muddy of death
White stripes: Peace and justice. Unconditional love 
Green stripes: The natural environment, our forest and unique natural power to regenerates.
Green boarder: The green boarder represents the Brazilians united with people around the world for the ones in need. #Brumadinho  #Mariana

You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram @Brumadinho Quilt

What else can I help ?

We are looking for additional dropping off and collect locations. If you have interest please contact Ana Paula Brasil brasilanapaula@me.com.
When finished you can ship your piece to the nearest or most convenient dropping off location.
We have location points in Richmond Hill -  ON, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and Rio Grande do Sul.

I am asking for finished quilts, and you can always contribute with some blocks to put together. That’s a fair opportunity to gather some friends in your city for a Nobel cause. Start a new guild, call old friends  or just some friends around a cup of tea and fabrics. The most importance are the love behind each piece.

If you have a business or quilt shop and have material to donate please contact us.

Let’s share our love!

Also, If you already engage in something like that, join us! United we are strongest.
You can always spread the news sharing on social media


Fabric /Tecido

Rotary Cutting block 1

Rotary Cutting Block 2


BBC News

if you prefere Pattern in centimetres 

2 comentários:

  1. Estou muito feliz em poder abraçar com amor esse projeto . Ofereço-me para quiltar algumas colchas de amigas que ainda não fazem Quilting. Moro no Rio. Contatos pelo Messenger. Todos por Brumadinho!!
